Understanding the Cameroonian Pet Scam
In a previous article we mentioned that not much is known about the Cameroonian Pet Scam or this type of fraud emanating from West Africa. We mentioned the pet scam, the weed scam and stolen credit card details.
This article quickly looks at one scammer found that will illustrate this type of cyber-crime.
A Cameroonian Scammer’s Websites
Recently we became aware of a pet scam http://www.petadoption.site (domain since suspend). This website was selling non-existent puppies using stolen content, claiming to be a breeder in the USA:

12233 SW 55th St., Suite 811, Cooper City, FL 33330
Telephone: (315) 316-1387
Looking a bit closer, we found this scammer to also have had the following domain names:
potmonline.com (created 2016-03-31 and strangely, removed shortly afterwards by the registrar)
medicalmarijuanaweeds.com (active with registration hidden behind a domain proxy)

The ties between pet scams and drug scams are well established and proven. Cameroonian scammers are excellent marketeers. This scammer even went as far as to use Twitter and Facebook to set up fake profiles to spread his net as wide as possible to also phish.

Did we say phish?
Not only do these websites deliberately target cancer sufferers, typically credit card details are also stolen during this fraud, then abused elsewhere. We have seen the card details used to purchase items for forwarding to West Africa. However our scammer had other ideas what to do with his stolen credit card details. Sell them!
Enter his other website, http://www.carder0007s.org:

This Cameroonian scammer decided to rather sell the credit card details.
Note: Once again we see the scammer trying to abuse a domain registration hidden behind a proxies to evade responsibility for his fraudulent activities by hiding his identity. Not that it will help him much …
This is a small example of how the family of Cameroon scams have slowly invaded the net, trying to defraud anybody and everybody.
Brief Cameroonian Scams Summary
Based upon found websites, these scams can be subdivided as follows:
Pet Scams
livestock etc
Drug Scams (also targeting cancer patients)
Weed scams
Hard drugs – Heroin, LSD, Cocaine
Phrama scams
Document & Currency Scams
Identity documents
Currency & fake currency
Commodity Scams
Paper – See Double A alert
Agricultural produce
Scrap sales
Feed (hay, lucerne…) etc
Electronics Scams
Household goods
Electronic Toys
Containers & Vehicles Scams
Shipping containers
Construction equipment
Agricultural vehicles & implements
Other Scams
Second hand manufacturing equipment
Second hand manufacturing plants
The above are typically accompanied by:
Shipping & Insurance Scams
Many of these scams have accompanying fake websites. Phishing for credit card details is not uncommon. The class of forged documentation is at expert level many times.